The first thing that a parent needs to do is make sure that their child is travel savvy. You should instruct your child never to speak to strangers and always stay where they are accompanied by an employee of the airlines. Farther, you should make sure that you pin a name tag with address and phone number to contact in case of an emergency. It is wise to put in your name and information but also the name and information of the person to whom they are traveling.
Children under the age of six must be accompanied with an adult as the airline will not take the responsibility for their care and safety. You must remember that the airline employee's have many things to do and sometimes they are responsible for more than one child at the time. The children should take along games or puzzles that they can play with to keep them entertained while on flight. If your child has any special needs make sure that the airline is fully aware of this before you buy the ticket. You should book a flight for your child on the last flight of the day. The reason for any cause there is a delay or lay over this might make it rather difficulty for the child.
The airline is very conscious about the needs of you and your family and they try very hard to make the flight a very safe and comfortable one. The children are normally place together in an area that the flight attendant can keep close watch over them making sure that they are safe. Even though they are there to watch out for your child make sure that you tell your child not to go off with anyone who might ask them to show them to the bathroom or anything else. The child should be made aware that before they leave the designated area with a relative or friend they should let the flight attendant know. In this manner the attendant can check to make sure that they are leaving with the right persons. The airline is the safest method to let your child travel.
By Tom Tessin