It all sounds very chummy, but now that spring in Europe is grudgingly making its appearance, these two great cities will be in competition for the attention of the short-break tourist.
Paris has always traditionally been the passionate heart of Europe, but lovers emerging from winter hibernation shouldn?t discount the Eternal City, as Rome is fondly nicknamed. After all, who could forget such classic romantic movies as Three Coins In The Fountain and Roman Holiday?
I came across a provocative and tongue-in-cheek blog the other day that suggested Rome far outstripped Paris in terms of a pleasant European experience. Oddly, the writer is actually a resident of Paris, so perhaps the honeymoon period passes when you start living somewhere. There were about two dozen pro-Rome statements proffered, although one of these was ?the ocean is nearby? (it?s actually about 17 miles away at the last count).
Needless to say, the blog elicited some fervent comments for and against. Said one: ?How can Paris be better than Rome in any sense? Paris is just marketing, the French are masters in self-promotion from food to fashion. Just look at Paris?s main symbol ? it?s a bunch of steel rods! Can this even be compared to the Colosseum?? A bit harsh on the iconic and beautiful Eiffel Tower and on a city that can also boast the Arc de Triomphe, the cathedral of Notre Dame and the Mona Lisa!

Too true - and the answer is, of course, that if you have time, visit both. There are regular flights between Paris and Rome or an overnight sleeper rail service that takes around fourteen and a half hours.
Shop around on the web and you?ll find some of the best design, boutique and luxury hotels in Paris and Rome as well as city guides with advice about what to see and how best to get around.
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